Renee's Jewelry Tip Guide

With over 10 years of experience in the Jewelry Industry, Renee will answer your questions, offer you advice and give you the hidden tips on fashion trends, caring for your jewelry, and helping you find the jewelry the suits you!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pearls, Round, Clean and elegant . . .

Dear Renee,
I am looking at different pearls to buy online.
I find many different types in many colors. I also find pearls which are really cheap and some which really expensive. Can you briefly explain how some pearls are like 20 dollars and others are like 1000 dollars.
Heather Jenkins, Miami, Florida

Dear Heather,
Pearls are the more complicated Jewelry pieces to understand since there are so many types and ways to acquire them that the market has created a robust price
varied jewelry market. Basically with pearls it depends if they are natural or from a farm. A pearls true value weather akoya, freshwater, or cultured lies in its lustre and shape. The more round and perfect a sphere the pearls are and more lustrous or high lustre a pearl is will determine how valuable the jewelry will become. Since today off round pearls and multi colored pearls are in style as well as metal/pearls jewelry combinations rather than expensive pearl strands there is far more pearl jewelry available to the customers at great prices. Pearls once reserved mostly for necklaces and necklace strands have made a comeback as they are widely used now for earrings, pendants, bracelets and rings. Click Here for more information on Pearls.


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